- The power of language in sales and negotiations
- The vocabulary of successful commercial agents
- The words and phrases to get people to business
- Million dollar responses to objections
- Words to avoid, even remove from your vocabulary
- Cool tool to keep conversations on track
- Powerful questions to determine prospect motivation level
- Effective way to discuss value and pricing with sellers
- Words that encourage written negotiations, improving results
- Get counter offers accepted by discussing them properly
- Discussions and responses that keep prospects motivated
- Communication enticing people to be receptive to counters
- Discussions to get prospects to ask how they can work with you
- Two lines so prospects know you're the right agent immediately
- Example opening statements to power calls to prospects
- Number one question you should never ask a property owner
- How to improve cooperation & compensation from agents
- Expert real estate sales training online
- Best method to discuss with a buyer or tenant to pay your fee
- How to ask if you are talking to the decision maker, that does not insult